Making Your Personal Style a Priority


Prioritizing your personal style is important because When you look good, you feel good. And when you feel good, you engage more. With people, the world, and when you're engaged, you're happy and my number one goal here is to see you happy!

I know you have a lot of priorities; taking care of yourself, taking care of your family, taking care of your business, taking time to lose those pesky few pounds from the're busy and I know having to prioritize one more thing on your list is not what you want to be doing right now. Well, girlfriend, I'm gonna ask you to add your personal style to that list and I'm gonna tell you why.

When you look good, you feel good. And when you feel good, you engage more. With people, the world, and when you're engaged, you're happy and my number one goal here is to see you happy!

So how do you start to prioritize your personal style?

Well, and it's going to sound so familiar, but seek inspiration. You know I love me some inspiration! And as you know, inspiration is found everywhere, so start to take notice of what people are wearing as you're out and about or as you're watching TV, or scrolling through Instagram or Pinterest. These aren't things that you necessarily have to wear, but mere inspiration to let your creativity in your style start to flow.

Second, now that your creative juices are flowing, commit to trying one new thing. While you're out shopping, pick up and try the first few things that catch your eye. They may not be what you normal attire is or what you usually reach for, but we're expanding our minds right now, so just go for it! You don't have to buy it, but by breaking out of your comfort zone and trying something new, you just may surprise yourself and find a new color or print or silhouette that works amazing well for your body.

Lastly, and probably the most important thing to making your style a priority? Plan your outfits in advance! Planning your outfits is not only a big time saver but it's a huge stress relief and confidence boost! Knowing that you took a few minutes to put your outfit together ahead of time and not just throwing on something at the last minute will give you the confidence of knowing that you'll look pulled together, confident and prepared for anything that may get thrown at you.

And that my friends, is how you make your personal style a priority. See, that wasn't so bad was it? Have a question about making your wardrobe and your style a priority? Or maybe you have a hard time planning ahead of time because you're not sure where to start? Email me at my email below and I'd be happy to help you or answer any questions that you may have about making YOU a priority.